Spam Protection

Because quality of emails you send/receive does matter!

Effective Spam Protection Available

Enhance security with effective spam protection, shielding your communication from unwanted and harmful email threats.

Detect Compromised Mailboxes

Swiftly identify compromised mailboxes, fortifying your defense against cyber threats with advanced security measures.

Spam Experts Features

Filter Quality & Efficiency

Ensure top-tier filter efficiency, eliminating spam and threats for a secure communication experience with Spam Experts.

Continuous Data Protection

Safeguard critical data effortlessly with real-time backups, ensuring constant protection and peace of mind by Spam Experts.

Always Updated

Stay secure with dynamic updates, adapting to evolving email threats and keeping your defenses current through Spam Experts.

Delivery Queue

Take control of email flow with the Delivery Queue feature, optimizing communication channels for smooth delivery using Spam Experts.

Powerful File Excludes

Customize email security with Powerful File Excludes, empowering granular control over file types entering your network with Spam Experts.

Easy to Get Started

Start strong with hassle-free setup. A user-friendly interface ensures comprehensive email security in minutes with Spam Experts.

Frequently asked questions

There are no hidden costs or setup fees for signing up with any of our plans. During a special that is offered, a setup fee may be included but will always be listed in the plan details when signing up. For dedicated clients we offer a setup fee in an effort to reduce the monthly price.

You can choose between
– Default (White-Label Name Servers)
– Custom Name Servers (your own domain)

This can be always changed or adjusted later on by contacting our Technical Support.

AltusHost offers white-label reseller hosting services.

Is there a general meaning to that?

AltusHost is not visible in any IP whois, panel, etc. This provides ease of selling services under your own brand.

Visit our Reseller Hosting page for more information.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.

There are different password policies which could define a secure password. The rules we recommend for creating a secure password is as follows:

1) 6 – 8 alpha-numeric (Numbers, letters, symbols) characters in length
2) Varying case (Upper and lower case)
3) No dictionary words in the password forwards or backwards.
4) Change passwords every month or so
5) Never reuse passwords

Remembering passwords can be difficult, so one good rule of thumb is to use the phrase based password mechanism. For example, if your favorite quote is “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” (Arthur C. Clarke), then your password could be “AsAtIiFm001”. Thus, as long as you remember your quote, and the fact that each character alternates between upper and lower case letters, it begins with an uppercase letter, and your number for the password is 001, your password would be very hard to dictionary attack, or brute force. You should determine how secure you want your account, and apply more complex requirements as your need for security increases.

We recommend you to check follow website and generate strong password for you.

An offsite backup is a copy of data stored in a location separate from the primary data center.
This protects against data loss due to a disaster, such as fire, flood, or theft, that could damage or destroy the original data and backups stored in the same location.

By storing backups offsite, data can be restored in the event of a disaster or
other unexpected events that affect the primary data center.

Offsite backups are an essential part of a comprehensive data protection strategy and can help to recover from data loss or disasters quickly and effectively.