This policy applies to all AltusHost Network users. Any kind of SPAM from our network is strictly prohibited, clients found in this act will be sanctioned immediately.

Inappropriate E-Mail Activities

Commercial e-mail: Defined as sending unsolicited commercial e-mails. This is prohibited. You are not permitted to use your AltusHost service to send unsolicited commercial e-mail. Using an e-mail address hosted anywhere on AltusHost servers to collect responses from unsolicited commercial e-mail is prohibited. This includes using a throw-away, free e-mail account to promote your AltusHost account and redirectors for the same account.
Mail Bombing: Defined as sending large volumes of unsolicited e-mail to individuals from your AltusHost service. This is strictly prohibited.
Harassment: Defined as sending threatening or harassing e-mail after being requested to stop, is prohibited. Extremely threatening or harassing e-mail never is allowed.

Inappropriate Newsgroup/Forums Activities

Newsgroup/Forums Spamming: Defined as excessive cross-posting, or posting the same article to several Newsgroup/Forums. This is prohibited. Generally accepted standards allow no more than 15 newsgroups, or cross-postings, for a single article or substantially similar articles. Such articles may be canceled. You are not allowed to use your AltusHost based mail facilities to SPAM the Newsgroup/Forums.
Off topic or inappropriate postings: There is no restriction on content, except as defined by each Newsgroup/Forums. Continued posting of off-topic articles is prohibited. Please note that commercial advertisements are off-topic in the vast majority of Newsgroup/Forums.


Should you violate AltusHost’s NO SPAM/UCE Policy, AltusHost will charge you, as a client, 200 EUR per hour (minimum one hour) for the time it takes us to “clean-up” your SPAM. This shall include but not be limited to the time required to answer e-mail from angry recipients of your SPAM and/or repair of a damaged server due to the “Mail Bombing” or other actions of the angry recipients in retaliation of your SPAM.

We take a very dim view of SPAM. It is one of the most annoying things encountered on the Internet. Any AltusHost client found to be spamming will have his/her account terminated immediately – no questions asked (we will investigate the report thoroughly before terminating any account). There is no warning or a second chance.

If you know of any AltusHost client that is or might be violating this policy, please send a message or, if possible, forward the SPAM or UCE in full (including headers) to